AI & Data Driven Business. Los retos de un CIO

Wed 10 Apr | 12:55 - 13:15

In a business environment increasingly driven by data and AI, understanding how companies are leveraging these practices is crucial for technology leaders. We will share first-hand the challenges faced by CIOs to successfully deploy a Data Driven culture as well as use cases of Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI. We will learn the answers provided by CIOs from the Industrial sector attending Advanced Factories in the AI & Data Driven 2024 Maturity Study conducted by INCIPY that has revealed valuable insights on the evolution of data-driven management as well as on the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in organisations to drive efficiency and growth. The insights will be engaged in the disruptive dialogue between Xavier Suerias, CIO with extensive experience in the Pharmaceutical and Industrial sector together with the expert in Digital Transformation and AI of industrial companies, Joana Sanchez. With your participation, you will gain a deeper understanding of how your company can navigate this digitised environment, maximising the potential of data and AI for your growth and efficiency.