Save the date! 8-10 April 2025 | FIRA BARCELONA - GRAN VÍA

Carmen Iglesias Escudero

CEO. Directora General
Keyland SdG (Grupo Antolin)
Carmen Iglesias Escudero

PhD in Physics, with 25 years of experience leading teams in IoT sensors, robotics, artificial vision, Big Data, AI (Machine Learning) in sectors such as Industry 4.0, energy, SmartCities, health, water, food. Keyland promotes the integration of robotics with 4.0 technologies and systems of an industrial plant: ERP, MES, CMMS, WMS, Planners, IoT Platforms and SCADA, seeking interoperability between different collaborative and mobile robotics devices and brands (AGVs, AMR Platforms, forklifts)
