Industry 4.0 Congress

CIOs Summit


The CIO's strategic vision for the success of our factories

The roles of the IT Director and the CIO have never been so exposed to the uncertainties of the business. In the current context, where industrial transformation is moving at a breakneck pace, CIOs increasingly have to play a fundamental role in providing their strategic vision to the business, rather than merely serving as a facilitator of solutions.

Robotics has played an important role in this transformation of our industrial plants, but in this decade we enter Artificial Intelligence, IIoT, Cybersecurity, Industrial Cloud, Digital Twin, 5G or Big Data. Robotics and Industrial Automation are going to be fundamental tools for improving productivity and developing new business models.


Within the framework of Advanced Factories, the CIO’s Summit is a space designed for CIOs in the industrial sector who face the daily challenges of digitization. A forum to analyze the impact of data analytics, cloud computing, IoT, or digital twins on manufacturing efficiency processes. In an agenda where Artificial Intelligence will take center stage, offering solutions in the realm of autonomous and defect-free manufacturing, operational efficiency, or predictive maintenance.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to share your experience, innovative ideas, and leadership with the thousands of delegates participating in the Industry 4.0 Congress.

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